2 min read

First Mile Delivery

🕒 مارس 3, 2022 by abhishek singh - 2 min read

First Mile Delivery – Understanding the Basics of eCommerce Logistics

It is the first step in the logistics supply chain, where the order is picked by the courier company from the seller’s doorstep.

First mile delivery refers to the first stage of the transportation. This is when the parcel leaves the seller’s warehouse and is taken by the courier pick up agent to process it or take it to the warehouse. Once the package reaches the post office or the courier’s hub, it is then sorted and transported further until it reaches the customer’s doorstep. First mile delivery is one of the most crucial steps of the eCommerce supply chain.

For first mile delivery merchants or sellers have to provide information like their pick-up address, details about the package like weight, dimensions etc. to the courier company. 

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